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  1. Organic Food Vs Local Food

    The popularity of Organic food is on the rise internationally, with major food companies such as Tesco, M & S, Roma and Heinze increasingly their production of 'Organic' foods. However, there are good reasons to keep on supporting the origional leaders of the movement such as Whole Earth, Biona, Suma and Meridian (to name but a few), and also to...
  2. Art & Artists West Cork

    Promoting local artists and facilitating exhibitions and openings is a significant part of Organico Cafe's activities. We try to change our exhibitions every month and try to exhibit artists who are local. As a result we always have facinating work on our walls to keep us all aware of the incredible amount of creativity out there. At the moment we...
  3. Organico Cafe

    Organico Cafe is an oasis of calm and great food in the middle of Bantry. Our specialitiy is reall home cooked good veggie food - which appeals to both veggies and non-veggies! We love expermenting so you never know what delights await you - and then we know how much reliability means when you are feeling low so we always...
  4. Spelt Baking West Cork

    Organico Bakery produces one of the biggest ranges of Spelt breads, cakes and scones in West Cork, possibly in Ireland. We have been baking with spelt for nearly 5 years, and we now make 4 different kinds of bread (white & brown yeast; white & brown sourdough; white & brown soda & french sticks, which are a mix of regular...
  5. Health - at Organico we know what we're talking about

    At Organico we take your health seriously. It's no secret these days that lifestyle, diet, nutrition and alternative remedies can all help improve your health. We are regularly asked important questions relating to health matters and in order to provide the best possible advice we are constantly updating our training in natural approaches to staying healthy and learning about the...
  6. Gluten Free Bantry West Cork Ireland

    In Organico Cafe we offer a wide selection for people who are coeliac or are trying to avoid Gluten, dairy, wheat, sugar, salt or saturated fats. Our aims are simple: to provide healthy, tasty and interesting food for everyone. We specialise in vegetarian foods because we believe that they are healthier and we are so enjoying cooking with vegetables, sprouts...
  7. Fresh Organic Fruit in West Cork

    It's been a great summer for fruit and we've had the best of local mixed with some great exotic fruits. Our policy is to try and keep our food miles down and to that end we've had some great local berries this year. The highlight for me was the strawberries. You know, the kind of strawberries that make you tingle...
  8. Organic Food Ireland

    In Organico, Bantry, we have noted a dramatic raise over the past few years in the demand for Organic food from our Irish customers. When our shop first opened in the early 1990's our customer base was nearly exclusively non-Irish - known as 'Blow-ins' in West Cork terms. Now we have more that 75% Irish customers. This shift has occured...
  9. Health food Shop West Cork

    Organico aims to be the best health food shop in West Cork, and one of the best in Ireland. When we talk about ourselves as a health food shop what we mean is a shop that promotes produce that is good for you and for the enviroment you live in - we don't mean a shop that just stocks brown...
  10. Vegetarian Food West Cork

    For the best vegetarian lunch in West Cork, visit Organico Cafe in Bantry. We serve a full menu of Organic Vegetarian food all year round - soups and sandwhiches; salads plates and stews; curries and pasties. We also serve delicious organic Fair Trade coffee, cakes, scones and snacks from our bakery next door. Organico Cafe is part of a family...
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