Have you ever eaten fresh turmeric? (Or tumeric even) It’s fantastic in curries of course, but some people make a tea (a bit like ginger root tea) from fresh turmeric root (it even looks a lot like ginger) to ease aches and pains. Turmeric has fantastic anti-inflammatory properties, and in Chinese and Indian herbal medicines it has been used to help treat inflammatory bowel disease as well as joint pain. In current research it is also being considered as a having potent anti-cancer activity. The active ingredient in Turmeric is called Curcumin, and clinical studies have shown that curcumin has very powerful antioxidant effects which makes it a very powerful tool against arthritis. As an antioxidant, curcumin is able to neutralize free radicals, chemicals that can travel through the body and cause great amounts of damage to healthy cells and cell membranes. This is important in cases of arthritis where free radicals are responsible for the painful joint inflammation and eventual damage to the joints. Turmeric's combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects explains why many people with joint disease find relief when they use the spice regularly. It has been shown to reduce morning stiffness and improve quality of walking when used regularly by patients with rheumatoid arthritis. At the moment we have fresh, organic Turmeric root for sale in Organico, click turmeric root for sale to buy it online. Or here to see our full range of Turmeric and Curcumin products (including my favourite, Solgar 7, which is a fantastic anti-inflammatory in capsule form).