Neem: The Village pharmacy

In India neem is refered to as the 'village pharmacy' because it can be used for diseases and disorders ranging from bad breath and mouth ulcers to bedbugs and maleria. Modern scientist are findinfg even more uses for this remarkable tree. the seeds and leaves contain antiseptic and anti-viral compounds, and it has been found to have anti-fungal and anti-inflamatory uses. According to the book 'Neem: the Ultimate Herb' by John Conrick, preliminary studies on neem suggest that it can be used in treating herpes (recent tests in germany show that neem extracts are toxic to the herpes virus and can aid in rapid healing of cold sores); as an insect repellent (studies have shown that it is more effective in repeling insects that DEET!) and also to treat maleria.

Neem or Azadirachta Indica is a large, evergreen tree and is native to India and Burma and a relative of mahogony. It has been grown for centuries in India where it is prized for the shade it provides. Only recently available in the west, Nem has long been used in Ayurveda.
All the parts of the plant possess a lot of significant active pharmacological properties. Neem is bitter and alterative, it is used as a poultice in boils, is antiseptic, demulcent, a tonic for catarrhal affections, as a calming influence on the stomach, and as a stimulant. It is useful in rheumatism, as a pain killer, antibacterial, antiviral, and in skin diseases.

Skin Diseases

One of the most powerful blood purifiers and detoxifiers in Ayurvedic usage, Neem is ver useful as an aid to maintain healthy skin. In cases of psoriasis neem seed oil and leaf etracts have been used successfully to relieve the itching and pain while reducing the scales and redness. Scientific studies indicate that Neem boosts the immune system by energizing lymphocytes cells to respond to infection and other challenges to the body's immunity. Neem has also been shown to be highly effective in treating skin disorders like acne, excema, itching, dandruff and warts.
Herb of the Month

Neem Preparations

In Organico, we sell Neem preparations by an American company called 'TheraNeem'. They supply high quality neem as leaf capsules, oil, tincture, and a range of creams and soaps made from the seed oil and leaf. They source their neem oil from a compsny in India that supplies wildcrafted neem, and their leaf from an Organic farm in Mexico.

Always consult a qualified medical practitioner!

Organico Shop, Glengarriff Rd., Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland. Phone +353 (0)27 51391